this website could use a bit more charm, don’t you agree? 😉
Hello there! Lily Rosen speaking. 😉
I was actually considering taking over this website, but I noticed the visitor count was approaching 50,000. I thought it might be a popular site. However, it turns out that it hasn’t reached 50,000 page views even after more than 5 years. With less than 10,000 annual page views, it wouldn’t be much of a catch even if I took it over, right?
This website no longer holds my interest. Everyone, if you happen to come across me on another website, please make sure to make that website more exciting.
Thank you! Everyone, I love you ♡
The articles on this blog are originally written in Japanese, and I am using an internet translation service to translate them into English for posting.
There is a possibility of errors in the translation. If that happens, I apologize.
Note: The original Japanese article is